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Senior Developer

Game Design
Fast learner
Creative thinker
Deadline led
Driving License
Switzerland (Geneva Area)
Consultant Open to opportunities
I'm mainly a front-end developer with an expertise on HTML5 technologies for web, mobile and game. Passionate, I enjoy discovering new technologies and bring it at work. My various experiences have let me to get good methods to carry out my tasks correctly, adapt myself to different needs and bring new ideas. My transverse skills allow me autonomy and especially knowing assist in the execution of specific tasks when needed.
  • After being in the digital service units (DSU) for the e-commerce site of Nespresso, I've joined the eBusiness teams
  • Upon my arrival I immediately ramped up and put to use my skills:
    • By providing an integrated documentation by myself on the internal API
    • Preparing a presentation of all divisions of the DSU
  • For internal purposes, I've started developing a dashboard web application in Ruby on Rails where information such as real-time visitor feed, social network data (fans, followers), open tickets and more are broadcast on all large screens of open space to business teams for needs and help reaching their goals
  • My long-term goal in this new challenge is to improve the team's performance, to always work pragmatically and to be a lead in terms of innovation in several ways:
    • automate the maximum process by creating development tools
    • set up automated unit tests
    • make technological watch and quickly integrate discoveries made in internal applications if their usefulness is justified- transfer knowledge among the other members of the team, most of them seniors, in order to have a homogeneity of skills especially in terms of new technologies
  • The other side of this new challenge is to develop new transverse skills, in addition to the current ones, and quickly put into execution. For this, I am accompanied to build skills in areas such as marketing and communication
  • ▪️Development of an iced coffee advertising campaign called "Chill Out Your Summer" for different markets on B2C and B2B sites by taking into account accessibility and responsive. In addition to these tasks, I personally took care of the animations
    > https://www.nespresso.com/lu/fr/chill-out-your-summer-limited-edition-coffee
    • Tools: GitLab, npm, webpack, zsh, gem, redmine, pingdom, macOS, debian, puma
    • Languages: VueJS, Ruby on Rails, ES6, TypeScript, React, antvis/G2, SASS, gsap